Designing food growing gardens
ELCRP has a consultancy service and regularly run workshops and education classes on composting, recycling and the problems created by the Animal By-Products Regulation amongst others.
Easy Herbs to Grow in Schools
Designing a school garden - easy herbs to grow in schools. RHS Campaign for School Gardening.
Eco friendly packaging and catering
An international manufacturer of "catering disposables...that are made from plants using renewable, lower carbon, recycled or reclaimed materials, and can all be commercially composted with food waste where accepted".
Eden Project Communities
Inspirations and ideas for where you live, for example how to get involved to creating some delicious recipes.
Erecting a Picket Fence
Our own activity sheet for creating a picket fence.
Everything in the garden isn't lovely
An article from Mother Nature Network website about harmful plants to be aware of.
Food4Families Planting and Garden Maintenance Schedule
Garden Organic Learning Zone
A very good section on starting a garden from scratch on the teaching zone of their website – from whether to dig or making a plan.
Garden Organic School Gardening Resources
Practical advice and activities for all ages on how to start and maintain an organic food growing garden. Handy, quick-reference growing instruction cards, games, activity sheets and more.
Grow Your Own Grub
How to get started growing food based on pilot project at two schools in Portsmouth.
Guide to Setting up Your Own Edible Rooftop Garden
If you want to create a school edible roof garden, download this essential Guide to Setting up Your Own Edible Rooftop Garden.
Published by Alternatives in Montreal.
How To Make a Herb Spiral
Growing your own herbs is a great way to enliven your home grown diet and stay fit and healthy. A herb spiral is one solution for herb growing that you could consider for your garden. In this article we will examine this idea in a little more depth, and you will learn how to make a herb spiral in your garden.
Planning Matters: Community Groups’ Guide to Planning Issues
These toolkits provide practical advice, examples & signposting for community growing groups
RISC roof garden
The RISC roof garden is a good example of a forest garden designed to maximise its educational potential.
Royal Horticultural Society: Potentially harmful garden plants
Harmful plants to be aware of.
Royal Horticultural Society: Sustainable gardening
The impacts of a changing climate are now firmly at the top of the scientific, political and environmental agendas. But while the big global problems of climate change are addressed in the corridors of power, what are the ramifications for UK horticulture and gardening? Minimise paving, look to walls and wildlife.
Seed Savers
Seed Savers has a useful Powerpoint presentation on the why and how to have food gardens in schools and a 90 page manual written for teachers and parents, covering how to plan, install, maintain and utilise food gardens in schools.
Setting up and Running a School Garden - A Manual for Teachers, Parents and Communities
An online manual based on experiences of setting up and running school gardens all over the world. It takes you through all the steps of planning a garden project. There are also lesson plans for children aged 9-14 years which complement garden activities. The appendices include horticultural notes and factsheets on nutrition.
FAO, 2005, KS2-3
Starting a School Garden
Useful summary of the planning required for a successful school garden project, from motivating the whole school community to design and construction.
RHS, 2007
The Growing Schools Garden
Provides ideas for designing a rich environment for learning outside the classroom, including growing food.
What to Sow and Grow
What crops to grow at school.
RHS Campaign for School Gardening.