Southcote GrowAllot

Florian Gardens, Off Coronation Square, Southcote, RG30 3QG

The garden is open at the following times:

Thursdays from 10am to 12noon

Saturdays from 10am to 1pm

If you would to find out more information or book a session please email

Check out our Facebook Page for regular updates:

A Reading GrowAllot project from food4families, in partnership with the Big Lottery.

Local families have transformed a piece of derelict land at Florian Gardens, Southcote into a thriving allotment growing fresh, healthy fruit and vegetables. We grow an amazing range of crops - from your usual carrots, onions and potatoes to the more exotic melons and Patty Pan squash - there is something for everyone to enjoy. In our polytunnel we grow lovely tasty tomatoes, cucumbers, chillis and aubergines as well as raising all our own plants from seed in the spring.

Join us. We grow our own vegetables, keep fit and have fun. We normally work for an hour or 2 then have a well earned cuppa in our log cabin (and sometimes a nice homemade cake to go with it...)

Come along to a session at the allotment and learn all about growing! Children are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult.

Anyone can turn up and join in these sessions even if you are not a member. If you are a resident of Southcote you can become a member of the GrowAllot

Members will: -

  • have their own key for the pedestrian gate and tool shed so they can access the site at any time during opening hours
  • be able to have a go at sowing, planting and maintaining a variety of vegetables, fruit and flowers
  • be able to share in the harvest of vegetables, fruit and flowers
  • be welcome to attend sessions run by the garden tutor on how to grow food
  • be expected to get involved in the management and maintenance of the site by attending the AGM and workdays
  • pay a £8 key deposit plus an annual membership fee

The preparation of Southcote GrowAllot meant clearing the land, creating the raised beds which add definition and deciding on which plants will be beneficial to the community.

Vegetables and plants growing in the raised beds along with cultivation in the Polytunnel.

Planting in the Spring

An Apple Juicer in action.

Priority will be given to those residents without access to a garden of their own.  For more information please contact us.